Articles I’ve written…

Journal Articles (Academic)

An Adventure/Nature/Travel Literature Continuum. Submitted to The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, Jan 2021

Recent Journal Submission Reviews for Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, and International Journal of the History of Sport (2021/2022)

Review of  Wild Pedagogies:Touchstones for re-negotiating education and the environment in the Anthropocene, Bob Jickling et al. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education 2018

“On Sylvia Bowerbank: Green Literary Scholar.” Cheryl Lousley with Cate Sandilands, Susie O’Brien, Mary O’Connor, Richard Pickard, and Bob Henderson. The Goose, 2017.

“Outdoor Adventure Education in Canada: Characteristics and Influences.” Morton Asfeldt, Tom Potter, and Bob Henderson. International Journal of Active Learning, (in German, 2013).

“Wolves, Ptarmigan and Lake Trout: Critical Elements of a Northern Canadian Place – Conscious Pedagogy.” Morten Asfeldt, Ingrid Urberg, and Bob Henderson. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education,14, 2009, pp. 33-41.

“Thought, Word, Deed: A Tribute to Paul Shepard.” Doug Karrow, Jean Kentel, and Bob Henderson. The Trumpeter, September 2007, pp. 1-26.

“Mining our Experiences: Reflecting on the Subtle Interpersonal Dimensions of Teaching and Learning.” William B. Strean and Bob Henderson. Mountainrise: The International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Spring 2007, pp. 2-11.

“Canadian Outdoor Adventure Education: Hear the Challenge- Learn the Lessons.” Tom Potter and Bob Henderson. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. (a revised and extended version of CJEE 2001 publication). Fall 2004, pp. 69-87.

“Dialogue of New Directions: The Spiritual Heart in Adventure Learning.” Gordon Leenders and Bob Henderson. The Journal of Experiential Education, August 1991, pp. 32-38. (Also revised for publication in Among Teachers, Joint Committee of Teaching and Learning, O.I.S.E. and University of Alberta, October 1991.)

“Dealing with Teacher Pain.” Bob Henderson, Merle Kennedy, Lillian Sabo, and Chuck Chamberlin. ATA Magazine (Alberta Teachers Association), March/April 1991, pp. 9-13. Reprinted in Teachers’ Writing Series. Act Publishing Team, Joint Centre for Teacher Development, O.I.S.E., Toronto, 1992, pp. 81-91.

“Ecophilosophy in Popular Rock Music.” Trumpter. Spring 1988, pp.78-82.

“Towards an Analysis of Self-Propelled Wilderness Travellers.” Outdoor Recreation Research Quarterly. Henderson, R. and Scott, H., Lakehead University. Spring 1987, pp. 47-60. Revised from 1983 proceedings.

“Looking Beyond the Activities of Outdoor Pursuits.” CAHPER, March-April 1987, pp.8-13.

“Thoughts While the Bannock Bakes: Love and Wilderness Travel.” Trumpeter: Voices from the Canadian Ecophilosophy Network, Winter 1987, pp. 9-11.

Guest editor with Nicky Duenkel. “Educating for Deep Ecological Sensibilities.” The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy, Theme Issue, Vol 14.2, WN55, Spring 1997.

Journal/Magazine Articles (Practitioner)

Guest editor with Megan Tucker. “Wild Pedagogies, 10 Years In ” Pathways:The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education- Two theme issues in 2025.

“Putting Meanings to Place Names.” Nastawgan, In press, 2025

Editor of theme issue, Community Programs in Outdoor Education, Pathways, Fall 2022 35(1).

“Community Canoe” Pathways, Fall 2022, 35 (1), 32.

“Water! To Filter or Not to Filter: It Depends” Co edited with Charlie Rose Nastawgan: The Quarterly Journal of the Wilderness Canoe Association 2023 – Winter 2023

“The Importance of Morning Meetings” Paddling Magazine, Fall 2023

“Three Ways to View a Shoreline Grizzly” Pathways Winter 2023

“The Canoe/Kayak Trip as a Canadian Right of Passage” Pathways:The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Spring 2022 34 (3) 33-34.

The Engagement of Complexity: 65 and Wondering If These Ideas are Antiquated” Pathways:The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Winter 2022, 34 (2) 26-29.

Why is Outdoor Learning not a Bigger Part of Canadian Education?” Simon Priest & Bob Henderson, Pathways:The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Fall 2021, 34 (1) 4-18

“Blood, Bugs and Boils:Why the Pursuit of Firsts and Glorification of Punishing Expeditions is a Problem for Everyone” Paddling Magazine, Summer 2021 (64) 47-49

The Politics of the Canoe, Book Review, Pathways:The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Winter 2021, 33(2) 32-33

“Thoughts (and admittedly a bit of a rant) on the wilderness superhero “Look at Me” adventure narrative”Nastawgan: The Quarterly Journal of the Wilderness Canoe Association, Fall 2020 21-23

“Wild Pedagogies Theme Issue” editor, Playfully Conceptualized”, “A Modest Research Inquiry”, “Stories:Evaluation of Teaching”, Pathways:The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Spring 2020, 32(3)

Knowledge Lost:The Anorak and Chopper Mitts” Pathways:The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Winter 2020, 32(2) 29-30

“A Tale of Two Rivers: The Wind/Peel Rivers in Flood.” Nastawgan: The Quarterly Journal of the Wilderness Canoe Association, Fall 2019/Winter 2020 Vol 46/47, 3/1, p. 15-20

“Explorations Reunion: A Year Retrospective Study of the Impact of Outdoor Education”Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Fall 2019, 32( 1)

“Wood Ain’t Just Wood: A Lesson About the Properties of Wood”Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Summer 2019, 31(4, 30)

“Explorations: A Distinguished Pedagogical Experiment/Experience” Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Winter 2019, 31(2)

Henderson, B., Howard, R. Sanitizing Adventure:How Over-Zealous Risk Management Strategies are Sucking the Life from Kids Paddling TripsPaddler Magazine, Fall 2018, pp.39-40 sanitizing-adventure

A Wild Pedagogy Evaluation Story” Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Summer 2018 30(4)

A Celebration of Winter as Place: Teaching in and about Winter” by Patrick Byrne and Bob Henderson. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Winter 2017.

“Harvey Scott: A Mentor to Many: Encourager, Enabler Helping Others to Each Find “their unique gift/way” in the World.” Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Winter 2017.

“The Mountain River Canyons: The Indigenous Experience.” Bob Henderson and Al Pace. Nastawgan: The Quarterly Journal of the Wilderness Canoe Association, Vol. 43 (4) Winter 2016, pp. 24-27

“Pierre St-Germain’s Miracle Canoe” by Bob Henderson and André-François Bourbeau. Nastawgan, Fall 2012, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 25-27.

“Dandelions or Database: Putting Nature Words Back into the Children’s Dictionary” by Bob Henderson and Nicole Parisien. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Fall 2010, 23(1), pp. 34-35.

“Passion is No Ordinary Word” by Bob Henderson, Deb Schrader and Erica Roebbelen. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Spring 2009, 21(3), pp. 5-11.

“Watch your Step: Where is Tinawatawa?” by Bob Henderson and James B. Bandow. Ontario Professional Surveyors, Summer, Vol. 52, No. 3, 2009, pp. 14-15.

“Learning from Students: The Use of Student Journals in Curriculum Design.” Deb Schrader and Bob Henderson. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, Spring 2009.